User Guide Sections 171 Through 180
User Guide 171
Page Title: ManageDirect® > How to Convert My Paper Bonds
What you can do on this page:
Read the detailed instructions about how to convert your paper Series EE and I Savings Bonds into electronic savings bonds in TreasuryDirect. The instructions include what you'll need, a detailed explanation of how to enter your securities, as well as what to expect from the conversion process.
Primary Actions
- Click "Return" to go back to the previous page.
User Guide 171A
Page Title: ManageDirect® > How to Convert My Paper Bonds
What you can do on this page:
Read the detailed instructions about how to convert your paper Series EE and I Savings Bonds into electronic savings bonds in TreasuryDirect. The instructions include what you'll need, a detailed explanation of how to enter your registrations and securities, as well as what to expect from the conversion process.
Primary Actions
- Click "Return" to go back to the previous page.
User Guide 172
Page Title: Gift Box for a Conversion Account
What you can do on this page:
The Gift Box displays all converted securities that are registered as gifts. You may select a specific security to view the details. You may hold securities in your Gift Box until you're ready to deliver them to the intended recipient(s).
If a gift security reaches final maturity at any time after receipt, the proceeds are held as non-deliverable until you deliver them to the intended owner. Proceeds delivered from the Conversion Gift Box automatically purchase a Zero-Percent C of I in the recipient's TreasuryDirect account.
You'll be given a confirmation number for each gift bond that matures before delivery. The first character will be "N" for Non-Deliverable Gift Proceeds. Each confirmation number will be sequentially designated and never repeated for each account number. Increments build from letters AAAA to numbers 9999 for each confirmation number.
Primary Actions
- Choose a radio button for a gift listing and click "Select" to view the gift details.
- Choose a radio button for a matured gift listing and click "Select" to view the gift proceeds detail.
- Click "Cancel" to return to your Conversion Account Summary.
User Guide 173
Page Title: Gift Box > Proceeds Detail
What you can do on this page:
You can view the specific details about the non-deliverable proceeds from a gift bond that has reached final maturity.
You'll be given a confirmation number for each gift bond that matures before delivery. The first character will be "N" for Non-Deliverable Gift Proceeds. Each confirmation number will be sequentially designated and never repeated for each account number. Increments build from letters AAAA to numbers 9999 for each confirmation number.
Primary Actions
- Click "Deliver" to go to the delivery request process for non-deliverable gift proceeds.
- Click "Return" to go back to the Conversion Gift Box.
User Guide 174
Page Title: Gift Box > Proceeds Delivery Request
What you can do on this page:
This page will allow you to deliver non-deliverable gift proceeds from a converted gift security that has reached final maturity. The total amount must be delivered in one transaction. Partial deliveries are not available for gift proceeds.
Proceeds delivered from the Conversion Gift Box automatically purchase a Zero-Percent C of I in the recipient's TreasuryDirect account.
Primary Actions
- Select the recipient and enter the recipient's account number and click "Submit" to review your delivery.
- Click "Cancel" to return to the Conversion Gift Box.
User Guide 175
Page Title: Gift Box > Proceeds Delivery Review
What you can do on this page:
You may review the gift proceeds delivery instructions. If you wish to make changes, you can return to the Proceeds Delivery Request. Proceeds delivered from the Conversion Gift Box automatically purchase a Zero-Percent C of I in the recipient's TreasuryDirect account.
Interest income for the recipient is reported to the IRS for the year the proceeds are delivered.
Primary Actions
- Click "Submit" to deliver the gift and go to the Proceeds Delivery Confirmation page.
- Click "Edit" to return to the delivery request.
- Click "Cancel" to discontinue the gift delivery and return to the Conversion Gift Box.
User Guide 176
Page Title: Gift Box > Proceeds Delivery Confirmation
What you can do on this page:
This page shows the completed delivery of proceeds from a matured gift security. You should print this page for your records. An e-mail message is sent to the gift recipient announcing the transaction.
Proceeds delivered from the Conversion Gift Box automatically purchase a Zero-Percent C of I in the recipient's TreasuryDirect account. Interest income for the recipient is reported to the IRS for the year the proceeds are delivered.
You'll be given a confirmation number for each non-deliverable gift proceeds delivery. The first character will be "P" for Gift Proceeds Delivery. Each confirmation number will be sequentially designated and never repeated for each account number. Increments build from letters AAAA to numbers 9999 for each confirmation number.
User Guide 177
Page Title: ManageDirect® > Manifest Summary
What you can do on this page:
This page will allow you to select a specific Manifest Number that you wish to view. You may submit as many manifests as necessary to complete your conversion process.
Primary Actions
- Choose a radio button for a Manifest and click "Select" to view the securities listed.
- Click "Cancel" to return to ManageDirect in Your Conversion Account.
User Guide 178
Learn More About Converting Your Paper Bonds
Convert your paper savings bonds and hold them conveniently in your TreasuryDirect account. For detailed instructions about converting paper bonds, see How do I convert my paper savings bonds into electronic savings bonds?
Individual Accounts
You may convert Series EE and I Savings Bonds registered in your name alone, and in your name with a co-owner or beneficiary (POD).
With a few exceptions, you'll have the same flexibility with converted bonds as you have with securities bought in TreasuryDirect. The following rules apply:
- The co-owner who converts a bond may not remove the name of the other co-owner without his/her written consent
- The owner who converts a bond may grant View or Transact rights for the security to the other co-owner, however, once rights are granted, they may not be revoked
When a bond that has reached final maturity is converted, TreasuryDirect will automatically redeem it and purchase a Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness (C of I) in your primary account. The interest earned is reported to IRS for that tax year.
Entity Accounts
Account Managers for certain entities may open accounts and convert bonds in TreasuryDirect. See Learn more about Entity Accounts . Since all securities in an entity account carry a registration identical to the entity account name, all bonds converted will be registered in that form, regardless of the registration on the paper bonds. If the submitted bonds are not registered in the name of the entity, documentary evidence may be required to support the transaction.
When a bond that has reached final maturity is converted, TreasuryDirect will automatically redeem it and purchase a Zero-Percent Certificate of Indebtedness (C of I) in the entity’s primary account. The interest earned is reported to IRS for that tax year.
Note: You may convert your bonds through SmartExchange once you have created a Conversion account. You'll see "My Converted Bonds" in the account listing under Linked Accounts Information on your Account Summary page.
User Guide 179
Page Title: BuyDirect® > Intro
What you can do on this page:
Choose the type of security you would like to purchase by selecting a radio button. You are free to pick from the full product line in TreasuryDirect. We offer Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS Notes/Bonds, FRNs, Series EE and I Savings Bonds, and Zero-Percent C of I for purchase.
You can also View Tentative Auction Calendar, View recent auction results, Learn more about Security Types, and Learn more about Tax Reporting.
Primary Actions
- Choose the radio button for the type of security you would like to purchase and click “Submit”.
- Click “Cancel” to go to the My Account page.
User Guide 180
Page Title: BuyDirect® for Zero-Percent C of I
What you can do on this page:
This BuyDirect page lets you purchase a Zero-Percent C of I for your account. You may choose this option if you need a little extra to fund a purchase request made with C of I as the source of funds. There is no limit to the amount you may hold in your C of I; however, the C of I does not earn interest and is intended to be used to fund security purchases. The purchase form is divided into three sections.
Section #1: Registration Information
- In individual accounts, the Zero-Percent C of I is always held in your name alone.
Section #2: Purchase Information
- Simply enter a purchase amount to the penny and choose the source of funds for your purchase from the drop-down list of available banks. You may purchase up to $1,000 in one transaction.
Section #3: Purchase Frequency
- You can make a one-time purchase, up to five years in advance, or set up repeat purchases using common frequencies (e.g., monthly, bimonthly), or your own specific dates (e.g., a son's or daughter's birthday).

Just type in the purchase date(s) yourself or use our handy calendar tool to do it for you. Click on the calendar icon, then click on a date in the pop-up calendar. It's that easy!
All purchase dates will be moved to the next available business day if you select a purchase date that is a weekend or holiday.
Primary Actions
- Click "Submit" to review your purchase.
- Click "Cancel" to discontinue this purchase request.
User Guide 180A
Page Title: BuyDirect® for Zero-Percent C of I
What you can do on this page:
This BuyDirect page lets you purchase a Zero-Percent C of I for your account. You may choose this option if you need a little extra to fund a purchase request made with C of I as the source of funds. There is no limit to the amount you may hold in your C of I; however, the C of I does not earn interest and is intended to be used to fund security purchases. The purchase form is divided into three sections.
Section #1: Entity Registration Information
- In entity accounts, the Zero-Percent C of I is always held in the entity account name.
Section #2: Purchase Information
- Simply enter a purchase amount to the penny and choose the source of funds for your purchase from the drop-down list of available banks. You may purchase up to $1,000 in one transaction.
Section #3: Purchase Frequency
- You can make a one-time purchase, up to five years in advance, or set up repeat purchases using common frequencies (e.g., monthly, bimonthly), or your own specific dates (e.g., a son's or daughter's birthday).

Just type in the purchase date(s) yourself or use our handy calendar tool to do it for you. Click on the calendar icon, then click on a date in the pop-up calendar. It's that easy!
All purchase dates will be moved to the next available business day if you select a purchase date that is a weekend or holiday.
Primary Actions
- Click "Submit" to review your purchase.
- Click "Cancel" to discontinue this purchase request.