Searching for a bond (Treasury Hunt®)
What is Treasury Hunt?
Treasury Hunt is our online search tool for finding Treasury Securities.
Use to see if
you, or a loved one who has died, have Treasury securities for which proceeds have not been paid.
What securities can Treasury Hunt help me find?
Treasury Hunt is mainly intended to help you reclaim unredeemed or lost paper savings bonds and securities. Treasury Hunt can also be useful if you believe you are the beneficiary of Treasury securities that have not been paid out to you.
Can I find my securities more quickly?
We are receiving a high volume of submissions about electronic securities. The fastest way to identify and manage your electronic securities is to log into TreasuryDirect.
How do I use Treasury Hunt?
You put in just a few pieces of information: Social Security Number/ Employee Identification Number or First, Middle and Last Name and state.
You'll see dots for the Social Security Number to protect your privacy.
What if I get a match?
A match means that your social security number or name and state is associated with Treasury bond(s) or securities. The system will not specify whether the securities found are paper or electronic, or whether you may be a secondary owner (without rights to manage these securities unless the primary owner is deceased).
We recommend taking the following steps BEFORE submitting a FS Form 000140 (Treasury Hunt Follow-Up), as it may not be needed.
First, log into your TreasuryDirect account if you have one. If you have electronic securities, you will be able to manage them there. If you are having trouble logging in, you can get help accessing your account or reset your password.
If you’re not sure if you have a TreasuryDirect account, or you don’t see securities in your account, you can call our Customer Service at (844) 284-2676 for help locating your bonds. You are possibly the secondary owner of electronic securities or have paper bonds. Make sure you have your Treasury Hunt Reference Number available. (Under the Privacy Act of 1974, if you are not the owner or co-owner of the Treasury security, we are limited in what we can tell you.)
If Customer Service determines that an FS Form 000140 is needed, you should fill it out and mail it in. Do not include more than one Social Security Number/Employee Identification Number on the form.
What if nothing matches?
Try again later. We update the data daily.